Свежая подборка косплея от лучших девушек-косплеерш этой недели — топ-30 горячих и потрясающе красивых работ на женских персонажей из видеоигр и аниме.
- mk_ays
- Kinpatsu Cosplay
- Саша Холланд
- disharmonica
- Lada Lyumos
- Tasha
- Alin Ma
- Stella Chuu
- Lada Lyumos
- Nadyasonika
- Jessica Nigri
- Саша Холланд
- Alin Ma
- Alin Ma
- Саша Холланд
- Kalinka Fox
- Tasha
- Cassandra Ariel
- sladkoslava
- Lada Lyumos
- Lada Lyumos
- Ангелина Черняк
- Lisa Mancini
- Саша Холланд
- Кристина Волкова
- Win_Winry_
- Lena Cosplay
- Nic
- sladkoslava
- Alin Ma
- Чей косплей вам понравился больше всего?
Косплей-модель: mk_ays
Образ: Микаса Атака Титанов
A moment of humor😂If I was one of soilder of survey corps from Levi: everyone get ready! Titans are attacking!Me: *25 minutes later, when finally put on all the belts* I’m ready sir! Oh no... everyone is dead already...I’m not joking, idk how they put these belts on so fast, it took me really long time😂.Если бы я была в Разведкорпусе из атаки титанов:Леви: всем приготовиться! Титаны наступают!Я: *спустя 25 минут после того как наконец управилась с ремнями* я готова, сер! Ой… кажется все умерли…Я не шучу, не знаю как они надевают эти ремни так быстро😂.
Kinpatsu Cosplay
Косплей-модель: kinpatsucosplay
Образ: Эвелинн Лига Легенд
Some MORE KDA evelynn 💖✨ get it? 👀 More? Cause the song? But it's also more photos???......ok I'll see myself out 😂 Anyway I got to edit some pictures this weekend and it's been a while since I posted cosplay photos so here's a full body photo of the final KDA evelynn cosplay! We have a full tutorial book and pattern set for the costume so you can make your own too! 💖
Саша Холланд
Косплей-модель: shirogane_sama
Образ: Геншин
ShenHe as all adepts is so busy and has lots of work, but she made an exception for you! ✨💞She came to tell you stories of LiYue and maybe even something about herself~ would you like to hear it? 💕 Передаю привет всем, кто не выбил сигнатурку на шеньхэ ✌ Но в целом, нефритовый коршун тоже смотрится не так уж и плохо х)
Косплей-модель: disharmonica
Образ: Харли Квинн
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If you wouldn’t like to get into ******** tell me something nice💥💋🖤more in highlights🖤
Lada Lyumos
Косплей-модель: ladalyumos
Образ: Ари Лига Легенд
Ahri has 9 tails and you have 9 days to get her photoset 🦊After this month ends, all February sets will be gone.
Косплей-модель: spiralcats_tasha
Образ: Лига Легенд
Alin Ma
Косплей-модель: xenon_ne
Образ: Аниме
Ready for the fight?🖤Reika is the main photo set for this month and will be available at the end!✨Cosplay set from tier "2nd Path" ❗️You already know where the l!nk is 😊-Photo and edit by 🖤-Latex suit by amazing 🔥-Weapons by ✨-Assistant 😸
Stella Chuu
Косплей-модель: stellachuuuuu
Viper 💚 I had so much fun hanging out with and eating cake and bringing Viper to life, it's great to be hosting Stella Transforms again📸
Lada Lyumos
Косплей-модель: ladalyumos
Образ: Варкрафт
Boys and girls, don’t forget that you also can follow my Twitter - Lada_lyumosCOS 🐦You can find there some photos, that are too… spicey for Insta 😉Don’t be a stranger, ok? Model: Costume: Thanks for help⠀
Косплей-модель: nadyasonika
Образ: Геншин
✨’s new Orchid’s evening Gown outfit ✨What other cosplay should I fit? Leave it in the comments 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Jessica Nigri
Косплей-модель: jessicanigri
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What will you have from the tap dear? ♥️ TELL ME SOMETHING SMALL YOU DID THAT YOU ARE PROUD OF RIGHT NOW
Саша Холланд
Косплей-модель: shirogane_sama
Образ: Джинкс Лига Легенд
I’ll never be a saint, no wayAs I told you before, it’s true happiness to act as a Jinx, cause she has full range of emotions💥🖤 Costume was made by Wig ————Как я уже говорила, отыгрывать Джинкс одно удовольствие! У неё потрясающий спектр эмоций и поэтому этот фотосет получился особенно захватывающим👀Надеюсь вы тоже так считаете ахахахаха 💕💕💕
Alin Ma
Косплей-модель: xenon_ne
Образ: Геншин
Let's clean up this mess!✨You already know where the l!nk is 😊-Photo by 🖤
Alin Ma
Косплей-модель: xenon_ne
Образ: Аниме
Any Gantz fans around here?✨Cosplay set from tier "2nd Path" ❗️You already know where the l!nk is 😊-Photo and edit by 🖤-Latex suit by amazing 🔥-Weapons by ✨-Assistant 😸
Саша Холланд
Косплей-модель: shirogane_sama
Образ: Геншин
I'm back to Moscow and it’s kinda cold here compred to hot Thailand🥶 So how are you doing? I’ve just realized that February is the shortest month and it’s about to end soon. Spring is coming, can't wait!🌸🌸🌸 Btw there is an update in genshin! I was happy to meet Raiden again and finally to find out her full story 👀💕———Вернулась в Москву из Таиланда и акклиматизация оказалась сильнее меня 🥶 Но греет мысль о том, что скоро весна, а там и больше солнышка и тепла 🌸🌝 Выбирала фото Райден целую вечность (БАДУМ тсссс🥁), поэтому тут вот одно фото, но в твиттере будет два других. Так и не смогла определиться, видимо х)
Kalinka Fox
Косплей-модель: kalinka.fox
Образ: Микаса Атака Титанов
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐧, 𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.Mikasa is setof February ❤️ Photo by MilliganVickWig by tachpad
Косплей-модель: spiralcats_tasha
Образ: Варкрафт
스파이럴캣츠 유튜브로 놀러와!지금 라이브 시작!구독! 부탁해!!😆💕
Cassandra Ariel
Косплей-модель: cassandracosplays
Образ: Ядовитый Плющ
Just patiently waiting for Harley to join me 💋Also, enjoy all these Valentines I made, they are ✨premium✨ content 🤣...
Косплей-модель: sladkoslava
Образ: Харли Квинн
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💘BE MY PUDDIN💘1, 2 or 3 picture? Write in comments⬇️My Exclusive photoshoot of February is Cupid Harley *****, you could get it on my Раtr💘оn from “My Bow”!This month I decided to make my lovely Harley in a costume of Cupid – as you’ve already guessed – all look is designed by me! The lingerie is hand-made by my sewer, I did the heart-decorating, wig styling, making of necklace, wings, bow, arrows and stockings, I even BAKED A CAKE (it will be on other pictures😅), you could see the processes on pictures 4-6 🥰
Lada Lyumos
Косплей-модель: ladalyumos
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HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY 💕 😘 Let me be your cupid today hahahaDo you have someone special to spend this day with? Or would you prefer me? ❤️Anyway, I want to you to have a wonderful day, whether you celebrate it or notModel: DianaCostume:
Lada Lyumos
Косплей-модель: ladalyumos
Образ: Ари Лига Легенд
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If you'd like to play with me, you'd better be sure you know the game 😉But if you do know the game, then join me so you won’t miss your MAIN reward 🎁Get this Spirit Blossom Ahri set by picking “My Knight” tier (or any higher, why not?). Subscribe for early-access content and 🔥🔥🔥 pics Link in Highlight Support ❤️Model:
Ангелина Черняк
Косплей-модель: lil_g_cosplay
Beest bunny chick in the hood is ready to kick your ass!The last photos of this cosplay series. I’m proud of it. Tbh it was fun - because I’ve accidentally ordered a child-size costume and top was TOO small it was fitting me like a band-strip so I’ve had to reorder the sport top - and cut all of the art prints to glue it on the normal fitiing one. Then I’ve ordered a wig and styled it to fit the concept as accurate as I could do.So in general I’ve just “tuned” the kids costume to my size🤣 and added some details. So it was an interesting and fun experience.Hope you liked it as I did!All thanks to for these amazing photos!Вот и последние кадры с этой фотосессии! Надеюсь вам понравилось так же, как и мне:) история с костюмом вышла забавная - так как по ошибке мне приехал детский костюм, и я решила скажем затюнить его. Так как шорты мне по размеру подходили - но топ как вы увидете в конце карусели СЛЕГКА НЕ НАЛАЗИЛ. Я заказала на розетке самый минималистичный спортивный топ, вырезав термонаклейки и переклеив их на новый топ. Паричок я тоже постаралась уложить прям как на арте у Сакими - вышло в уелом неплохо. (На превью хвостик еще не расчесан)Так что вот такой смешной опыт. Надеюсь вам было приятно ссотреть на эти фотки.Ой кстати а кроссовки это топовая модель от buffalo оч советую в плане удобства💖
Lisa Mancini
Косплей-модель: lisa.mancinerh
Образ: Аниме
Looking for Angemon like 👀🕊 I need to redo some elements and reshoot this Angewomon cosplay 🙏🏻💕Photography: & cosplay: by me
Саша Холланд
Косплей-модель: shirogane_sama
Образ: Геншин
I've read all your comments about ShenHe and I just can't deny to cosplay her 👀🤍 As for me it’s one of my favorite events for all time 💖💖💖Wig Costume Craft Polearm —————Как вам праздник морских фонарей? Для меня это один из любимых ивентов, потому что можно увидеть многих персонажей из ЛиЮэ и он сам по себе такой трогательный ах 👀🤍
Кристина Волкова
Косплей-модель: likeassassin
Образ: Варкрафт
Happy birthday to me 💕✨I’m so glad receiving your sweet messages! Even if I didn’t announce this in social networks yet! This makes me feel really happy ✨С днём рождения меня 💕Я ещё не успела анонсировать нигде, что сегодня у меня день рождения, а уже получила кучу поздравлений от вас! Спасибо огромное 💕Фото от
Косплей-модель: win_winry_
Beautiful weather, isn't it?Снежная зима конечно хорошо, но теплое лето лучше ❤
Lena Cosplay
Косплей-модель: lena_cosplayer
Образ: Аниме
Good evening everyone ❤ Thank you so much for hitting 8K followers here 😍 It's melting my heart because I was waiting for this for such a long time!! It was really frustrating to see that the number of followers were stuck for about 2 years on the same number and wasn't moving up or down. One day I got +5 followers and the other day the number was the same as before. I know that the number of followers isn't importnant, that I do cosplay for myself, but when I saw no feedback, sometimes I was thinking if I'm not good enough or if my content isn't interesting anymore and I had no motivation to work on anything. What I want to say is that this feedback really means a lot to me and it gaves me motivation to work harder and don't give up! ❤ THANK YOU SO MUCH 😍😘Guilty CrownYuzuriha Inori: Me Photo&edit: ❤Costume by ICOS brand lent by ❤Wig from ❤Make-up by ❤Helpers: , , and her boyfriend.❤
Косплей-модель: nic_the_pixie
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A wild Cubone appeared!! 💥I am so excited about the new Pokemon game I wanted to shoot this look in celebration of its release yesterday!!!! Have you started playing it yet?! I'll be starting mine on stream tomorrow night hopefully 😍I am super happy with how this photoshoot turned out, especially because it rained a couple times during 🙊 It has been on my cosplay plan list for years so I'm excited to finally have finished it 😍 Hope you have a fab weekend! Xx
Косплей-модель: sladkoslava
✨MEOW✨ 1 or 2 pic?It’s only a WEEK left to get two ANKHA sets on my Раtr✨оn!The character of January is Ankha! I wanted to create Egypt-themed photoshoot for a long time, but I didn’t have anything to get inspired by🥺 And then I saw Ankha and immediately decided to create a new look according to her original design! 😍 I sketched her look in November and made a collar, but I had to postpone it and after a month I returned to the cat.I made two new versions of her - this is the first one, in a few days I’ll share the second. And then I realized that I need craft details (belt and bracelets). I wanted to order it, but my friend told me that they could be done together. 🤝As we say in Russia “If you want to feed a person one time – give him a fish. If you want to feed him for the whole life – give him a rod”. So I was given an Eva foam🤣So here we go - I found out how the process is going and I worked with an engraver for the first time! I mostly liked doing it and I want to make something all by myself in the nearest future!💪
Alin Ma
Косплей-модель: xenon_ne
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Heaven awaits you!😇Hope you like my new OC✨
Чей косплей вам понравился больше всего?
mk_ays (Микаса)
5 -
Kinpatsu Cosplay (Эвелинн)
2 -
Саша Холланд (Геншин)
3 -
disharmonica (Харли Квинн)
2 -
Lada Lyumos (Ари)
1 -
Tasha (Лига Легенд)
1 -
Alin Ma (Аниме)
6 -
Stella Chuu
1 -
Lada Lyumos (Варкрафт)
0 -
Nadyasonika (Геншин)
0 -
Jessica Nigri
3 -
Саша Холланд (Джинкс)
6 -
Alin Ma (Геншин)
0 -
Alin Ma (Аниме)
0 -
Саша Холланд (Геншин)
0 -
Kalinka Fox (Микаса)
4 -
Tasha (Варкрафт)
0 -
Cassandra Ariel (Человек-паук)
0 -
sladkoslava (Харли Квинн)
0 -
Lada Lyumos
0 -
Lada Lyumos (Ари)
0 -
Ангелина Черняк
0 -
Lisa Mancini (Аниме)
0 -
Саша Холланд (Геншин)
2 -
Кристина Волкова (Варкрафт)
0 -
Win_Winry_ (Гань Юй)
1 -
Lena Cosplay (Аниме)
1 -
1 -
1 -
Alin Ma
0 комментариев